(BI) Ranked–The 50 US State Economies From Worst To Best

Previously, Business Insider examined ranked every state by how quickly the economies were growing. This time around, we calculated which states had the best economies outright.

We ranked each state on seven economic measures: the July unemployment rate; the change in nonfarm payroll jobs from June to July 2014; the 2013 GDP per capita; the 2012 per capita consumption; the 2013 average annual wage; the 2013 exports per capita; and the 2012 government expenditures.

No fair looking until you guess where your state falls if this applies to you. Then go and read it all.


Posted in * Economics, Politics, * International News & Commentary, America/U.S.A., Consumer/consumer spending, Corporations/Corporate Life, Economy, Politics in General, State Government

2 comments on “(BI) Ranked–The 50 US State Economies From Worst To Best

  1. David Keller says:

    Figures lie and liars figure. I have neither the time nor the inclination to check the data on every state, but they are basing their dismal numbers on my state, South Carolina, on 4600 job losses in July. I checked several sources and that number is correct, however, net job GAIN for 2014 is +32,300. Boeing is getting ready for another expansion in N. Charleston and the SC Department of Employment and Workforce projects positive job growth in every section of SC and a whopping increase of 22% in the Charleston area between now and 2020. Sounds like a pretty depressed economy to me.

  2. Terry Tee says:

    California at no. 11? What about its notorious state government indebtedness? Aint that a serious problem?